Realm of Kata's insane mind...beware...


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If I were a...

This is done by my friends, about me, if I were a:

These answers are from Dazzy Wazzy.

Animal: Lioness
Food: Solid Sugar Easter Egg
Drink: Coke for sure
Character from CATS: Macavity
Character from Les Miserable: One of the drunken people :P
Cartoon Character: Woodstock!
Colour: Red!
Book title: The Neverending Story
Movie title: Queen of the Damned
Furniture: Photon Bed
Piece of clothing: White Cowboy Hat with silver studs
Song title:  Eyes on Me
Fictional Place: Never Never Land
Type of weather: Sun covered clouds, and a rainbow on a good day.
One word to describe me: Sister
Toy: Doggy Things
Place in the world: Darwin
Best guy in the world for me: Kier

Thanks Dazzy for answering that for me!
These answers are from Izzy!

Animal: A red Goose
Food: Green Peas
Drink: Orange Juice
Character from CATS: Rumpleteazer!
Character from Les Miserable: Marius
Cartoon Character: Curage the cowedly dog.
Colour: purple :P
Book title: Educating Rita
Movie title: Portrait of a Vampire
Furniture: Stove
Piece of clothing: socks
Song title: The Great Ocean Road
Fictional Place: Edeas Meadow
Type of weather: Cloudy but warm
One word to describe me: demanding
Applience: toaster
Plant: Apricot Tree
Phrase: If you can read this you probably arn't dead yet =) - The management
Toy: Mr Potato Head
Place in the world: Bermuda Triangle
Best guy in the world for me: Seifer!

Thanks Izzy for answering that for me!
These answers are from Audrey/Sabra.

Animal: a mischevious looking tiger striped kitty with a thing for trouble making!
Food: a sloppy joe LOL.
Drink: a flaming homer!
Character from CATS: RUMPLLLLLLEEEEEEEEEEEEETTTEEEAZZEERRR - translation- Rumpleteazer.
Character from Les Miserable: PONINE!
Cartoon Character: WOLVERINE
Book title: Interview with the vampire.
Movie title: Love at first bite.
Furniture: a coffee table.
Piece of clothing: a choaker.
Song title: Hell's Bell's.
Fictional Place: HELL!
Type of weather: flaming hailstones cascading from the heavens LOL!
One word to describe me: DEVILCHILD!
Applience: BLENDER! shred shred shred
Plant: australian fire demon!!!
Phrase: I don't suffer from insanity. I enjoy every minute of it!!
Toy: a firecracker LOL!
Place in the world: Fire Island!
Best guy in the world for me: SPIKE!

Thanks Audrey/Sabra for answering that for me!

Tam answers these questions for me!

Animal: an-evil-macavity-like, jellicle-hating- cat?
Food: banana
Drink: Milk.
Character from CATS: Hmmmm, Rumpleteazer maybe? :P
Character from Les Miserable: Eponine.
Cartoon Character: Kiara - From the Lion King II
Colour: Dark purple.
Book title: Old Possums Book of Practical Cats.
Movie title: Shrek.
Furniture: TV set, UR entertaining and so funny.
Piece of clothing: A CATS shirt, LOL.
Song title: Devil inside.
Fictional Place: Macavity's Lair.
Type of weather: summer.
One word to describe me: Kata.
Applience: blender.
Plant: A rubber tree.
Phrase: I'm the Devil's sister.
Toy: A Yo Yo.
Place in the world: Sunnydale.
Best guy in the world for me: SPIKE!

Thanks Tam for answering them for me!

Danielle answered these questions for me....

Animal: A cat.
Food: Chocolate Nesquick
Drink: Red lemonaid.
Character from CATS: Teazer.
Character from Les Miserable: Eponine.
Cartoon Character: Susie from Calvin and Hobbes.
Colour: Green.
Book title: The compleat guide to being rude!
Movie title: The Phantom Menace.
Furniture: A TV.
Piece of clothing: CATS shirt.
Song title: You drive me crazy.
Fictional Place: Never Never Land.
Type of weather: Stormy.
One word to describe me: insanee!
Applience: A radio, YOU NEVER SHUT UP! j/k.
Plant: A venus fly trap.
Phrase: I'm not a compleat idiot, some parts are missing!!!
Toy: the energiser bunny, when its battery is finnally getting low!
Place in the world: An uncharted island, far far far far far far far away!! lol j/k
Best guy in the world for me: Spike's long lost Son, that nobody new about, and just happens to be the right age, and a carbon copy of his father!

Thank you Dani for answering them for me!

This is done by Miata, one of my best friends!

Animal: A parrot.
Food: A vegemite sandwich!
Drink: green cordial!
Character from CATS: Electra.
Character from Les Miserable: Enjolras.
Cartoon Character: Sally from Peanuts.
Colour: Green.
Book title: Katie the Pest! j/k!
Movie title: The Phantom Menace.
Furniture: Computer chair
Peice of clothing: T-shirt.
Song title: Mungojerrie and Rumpleteazer.
Fictional Place: Sunnydale.
Type of weather: Spriiiiiiing!
One word to describe me: Psycho
Applience: Dishwasher.
Plant: Venus Fly Trap!
Phrase: "and the family would say, it's that horrible girl- cat! it's that horrible cat!"
Toy: spinning top, coz they go round and they spin really fast and go psycho!
Place in the world: Katherine!
Best guy in the world for me: Spike!

Thanks Miata for doing that for me! Buddy o pal!

These answers are from Jake

Animal: Meir cat.
Food: um.........crazy rocks! lol.
Drink: something really, really alchocalic
Character from CATS: Rumpleteazer.
Character from Les Miserable: Eponine.
Cartoon Character: Marvin the martian.
Colour: bright blue!
Book title: little woman.
Movie title: Tomb Raider, except with a ruler! lol.
Furniture: Bright yellow chair.
Peice of clothing: of those black tops with something on it! like with the
writing that says something really naughty.
Song title: Hampster Dance.
Fictional Place: Never Never land.
Type of weather: A cyclone.
One word to describe me: INSANE!!!
Applience: A vacume cleaner.
Plant: A stangler vine.
Phrase: Take me drunk, Im home!
Toy: A g i Jane doll.
Place in the world: Bondi Beach.
Best guy in the world for me: Since Jake wants me to kidnapp him, he wont answer this

Thankyou Jake for answering this...I think...remind me never to ask you again!


This was done by Katalla.

Animal: A porcupine
Food: Bread rolls with vegemite
Drink: Tikila
Character from CATS: Rumpleteazer or Macavity.
Character from Les Miserable: Javert.
Cartoon Character: Yosemite Sam.
Colour: Red with a tinge of black.
Book title: Microsoft Version 1 Computers for Dummies!
Movie title: Dr Dolittle.
Furniture: Book shelf.
Peice of clothing: A scarf.
Song title: Insane in the Brain
Fictional Place: Never Never Land.
Type of weather: Acid Rain.
One word to describe me: Machiavellian.
Applience: vacuum cleaner.
Plant: Venus fly trap
Phrase: Do as I say not as I do
Toy: Jack in the box.
Place in the world: Hell.
Best guy in the world for me: Spike!!!

Thanks Katalla for doing that for me!

These answers are done by Kier

Animal: A Falcon.
Food: Jelly bean.
Drink: Always the real thing. Coke.
Character from CATS: A mix between Etectera and Rumpleteazer.
Character from Les Miserable: cheeky Gavroche with the heart of the romantically minded Eponine.
Cartoon Character: Woody Woodpecker.
Colour: Red.
Book title: Pandora.
Movie title: Deep Blue sea.
Furniture: A ceiling Fan.
Peice of clothing: A scarf.
Song title: On My Own.
Fictional Place: Carthage
Type of weather: Lightning Storm.
One word to describe me: Ambivelent
Applience: A knife.
Plant: daffydilly.
Phrase: Je ne sais qouis
Toy: squirt gun
Best guy in the world for me: SPIKEY

Thanks Kier for answering those questions!!!!

These answers are from my cousin Jess!
Animal: A crocodile!
Food: Cat food.
Drink: water.
Character from CATS: Rumpleteazer definalty.
Character from Les Miserable: Cosette.
Cartoon Character: Woodstock.
Colour: Yellow.
Book title: In The Blood.
Movie title: Emporers New Groove.
Furniture: You are...a chair! Cause Youre strong and you can hold people!
Piece of clothing: Jacket.
Fictional Place: Diagon Alley.
Type of weather: Autumn.
One word to describe me: Katamania.
Applience: An eraser, cause you like to erase peoples problems.
Plant: A roseeeeeeeeee.
Phrase: As good as it gets.
Toy: A toy cat.
Place in the world: AUSTRALIA!
Best guy in the world for me: Well, let me see....Starts with an S and ends in a PIKE.

Thanks Jess for answering those questions.

Alexi answered these for me!
Animal: a cat.
Food: tuna!
Drink: COKE!
Character from CATS: TEAZER!
Character from Les Miserable: Eponine!
Cartoon Character: Hobbes.
Colour: red.
Book title: Interview with the Vampire.
Movie title: Coyote Ugly.
Furniture: lounge kinda thing
Piece of clothing: Youd totally be a unitard, died to look like Teazer.
Song title: If only I could be as cool as youuuuuuuuuuuuu.
Fictional Place: Never land cause you dont grow up.
Type of weather: unpredictable.
One word to describe me: FREAK
Applience: A knife.
Plant: Fern.
Phrase: umumumumumumumNOsorry,but NOBURRITO!!
Toy: One of those high bouce balls.
Place in the world: England.
Best guy in the world for me: jake.

Uh...thanks...Lexi...*looks at the last question*....

And the test's have shown....SPIKE'S STILL PERFECT FOR ME! lol!!! That 'Jake' answer from Lexi doesn't count....and Jake wouldn't answer otherwise I wuldn't kidnapp him....but still! SPIKE'S STILL PERFECT FOR ME! MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, and BTW, This is the bottom of the page! I bet ya didn't guess that!